Tensor in PyTorch
PyTorch tensors are multi-dimensional arrays similar to NumPy n-dimensional array with a capability to run on high performance parallel computing units on graphics processing units (GPUs)

In PyTorch, a tensor is a multi-dimensional array with each element, by default, stored as a 32-bit floating point value.
When compared to the list of lists found in core Python, a tensor in PyTorch is a multi-dimensional array that has two key distinctions.
1. The difference is that standard Python lists are handled as individual objects while tensor(s) are allotted memory in a contiguous block.
The figure above depicts the structure of the python list and PyTorch tensor in memory
2. While the Python list program is only compatible with central processing units (CPUs), the tensor is also compatible with graphics processing units (GPUs)
NumPy array elements are likewise stored on contiguous memory blocks, but NumPy arrays can only run on CPUs as of now. Tensors are optimized for mathematical operations specifically when dealing with a large amount of data.
Installing PyTorch
For the code samples below to work on your computer, you need to have the PyTorch library installed or you can use free Google Colab Notebooks to run code. Colab comes with pre-installed PyTorch and a free GPU.
Installing using pip
pip install torch
on mac
pip3 install torch
using conda
conda install pytorch -c pytorch
Creating a PyTorch Tensor
import torch
x = torch.tensor([0.4, 1.23, 1.0, 0.3, 5.5])
# output: tensor([0.4000, 1.2300, 1.0000, 0.3000, 5.5000])
Moving tensor on GPU
#checking if cuda is available
#number of GPUs available
#set device gpu if available
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
x = x.to(device=device)
#tensor([0.4000, 1.2300, 1.0000, 0.3000, 5.5000])
#OUTPUT after enabling GPU on colab
#tensor([0.4000, 1.2300, 1.0000, 0.3000, 5.5000], device='cuda:0')
to enable GPU on google colab on top navigation select Runtime>Change runtime type>Hardware accelerator>GPU>save
and run all cells again.
Numeric Types in PyTorch
A tensor's datatype is used to define the format and kind of data that will be included in it. To indicate what sort of numerical data will be included in the tensor, the dtype parameter is used when building tensors. It is possible to learn more about the type, range, precision, and amount of bytes per value by using a specific numeric type, such as int8, int16, float32, folat64, uint8, bool, and so on. By default, PyTorch holds the tensors with 32-bit floating point precision.
To get dtype of a tensor
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